Beautifully proportioned and hard to find 1:43 scale diecast from Edicola. No opening parts.
*Argentinian market version.
The model itself is new and first quality, but the packaging is highly variable! Your model may be packaged in one of the following ways:
- Loose.
- Blister pack only.
- Plinth and blister pack.
- Plinth only.
- Plinth and clear plastic cover.
- Plinth, clear plastic cover, and blister pack.
- Plinth, clear plastic cover, and shrink wrap.
NOTE: Clear plastic covers may show scuffing and shelf wear, and blister packs may be dented and scuffed. Plinths may or may not have the name of the vehicle on it. I will ship out the best and most complete packages first.
Visit my store often, as new models are arriving constantly! Thanks for looking, and don't forget to follow TOYCARGEEK on Facebook!
Please note that all images are copyrighted by either TOYCARGEEK or the model manufacturer, and unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.